Friday, February 3, 2012

Snow Princess

Vera has been getting her Michigan initiation these last few weeks!  Winter is here to stay for awhile, so all three Hiles are embracing their inner child, bundling up and finding some time to run around in the snow..... or sometimes just shovel the driveway.

Perhaps evidence of the current season, Vera now fully understands the meaning of cold (be it cold food or just cold air) and declares "Brrrrr" while shaking her head around at the mere mention of the word, or upon stepping outside.  Words like coat, boots and snow are also in the ever-growing vocabulary.

As Vera gets older and ever more independent, it's been fun as parents to get to know her heart and personality more than ever before.  She loves making up her own jokes and making us laugh with her games.  We see how determined she is in wanting to do things on her own and her patience in trying puts us both to shame!  She finds the world an exciting place as she seeks to discover the word for everything and with how active she is in exploring.  We've even seen her growing in a spiritual way, as she loves to fold her hands to pray with us, and even does so as she recognizes that someone is praying at church or elsewhere.  Sometimes she will fold her hands during a random moment of the day, not stopping until we say a little prayer. 

It's been a long time since we've had a blog update (sorry!!), but we are feeling much more at home in our new house, community and church.  A lot of change is always hard, but John is really enjoying his responsibilities at church, feeling a real place in ministry and I feel so privileged to have so much quality time with John and Vera.  We are growing some new friendships in the process, and finally having some down-time to absorb all of the incredible change that has been happening in our lives this past year! 

And well, I suppose this wouldn't be complete without some pictures :)

Upon stopping, she exclaims "more, more, more" along with the sign for "please"

picking up snow

pointing to the train she can hear through the trees

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Vera cannot get any cuter! Thanks for posting pictures so the far away cousins can see her! Glad to hear you are settling in nicely! Sending you warm thoughts! Your Cousin, Sheila