Saturday, May 21, 2011

Moving Forward

The month of May is turning out to be quite the forward moving month for the Hile family!

On May 4 we learned of John's first pastoral Call - Associate Pastor at Heart of the Shepherd Lutheran Church in Howell, MI.  We are so incredibly excited at this news!!  We think this congregation will be a great fit for us and look forward to begin serving there.  Over the past five years, living far from home has definitely weighed on us, so we are especially glad to be moving closer to family.

Vera also is in a "moving forward" kind of mood lately!  Before, she tried to move forward, and often times ended up going backward instead... but now she has definitely mastered the forward movement.  For those of you dying to see, here is a quick clip of her figuring out how to scoot forward in her own unique way.  In just a few days she has gotten much faster than this!

Yesterday we celebrated another milestone for John - graduation!!!  It is now official - he is Reverend John Hile!  or as I have been referring to him, Reverend Master John Hile.  Luckily for him, he is smart enough to decipher his own diploma, which is written in all Latin. 

Life is staying pretty busy around here - we've had an offer accepted on a house, and we are busy packing to move on Memorial Day, one week from tomorrow!  That reminds me, I better go pack some boxes!


Jenny said...

This is all so exciting!! God has blessed you overflowing!!!

Jim said...

That picture of Vera in the So cute.

gail said...

Congratulations Reverend Master John!! You've got two pretty ladies by your side too... blessings upon blessings!

ChristenB said...

oh. my. word. I just saw your latest post about your appointment... Tony's parents are in Howell!! We go there at least 3 times a year... and maybe more often if we move back to Michigan in the fall. Craziness! I can't wait to tell Tony!