People always lament how quickly time passes, especially with children. Life moves fast and they grow up before we barely savor the moment. John and I love watching our children grow, even if it seems like time goes quickly - God gives us the time we need. In our family, we are pretty horrible at logging achievements, milestones, and cataloging our family experiences. For awhile I let this make me feel like I wasn't as good of a mom. In just a few years, I will have probably forgotten all of the ridiculously funny moments and utterings of a 2-year-old, and all of our babies' firsts. But I am realizing that none of that stuff is very significant - what is more important is the joy God is giving us through each other, the relationships we are forming and strengthening, and the ways God is revealing his truths to all of us through each other. These things will never escape our minds and hearts - even if the moments do escape our memories. They are impacting us for life, even eternity.
This week Vera will be turning into a 3-year-old, and Dante will be 5 months old already. These crazy kids are just way too much fun, and they are pure grace to us. We really don't deserve these gifts, but somehow God has chosen us to receive them anyway. God is using our kids to form us into more humble, patient and faithful Christ-followers, and as hard as it can be sometimes, we couldn't imagine life any differently.
Now that you've sat through my random ponderings, here are some things we've been up to lately!
learning how to sit up |
big sister story time |
my favorite homemade pizza helper |
getting a little big for the playmat... "woah!" |
this little guy is seriously always smiling! |
Vera is also getting used to two babies. This is basically what I look like whenever I am out with the kids! |
sibling love |
Dante's new favorite activity - thankful mama uses this time for bonus activities like showering and eating ;) |
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