Many pregnancy books and websites have week by week updates throughout your pregnancy. They usually try to tell you what's going on in your baby's development and how big the baby is getting. One of the ones I read regularly compares our baby's weight to a fruit or vegetable. First it was a blueberry, then we moved up to strawberry, and then we were in the range of pears, oranges, and grapefruits! Lately, the foods are getting increasingly more interesting!! This week, we learned our baby is the size of a rudabaga (by weight). This did not help me understand better at all, so I had to look it up:

In other exciting pregnancy news, my uterus is now about the size of a soccer ball (according to one of the aforementioned books). This made John very excited, since it came just in time for the World Cup. We're glad Vera decided to celebrate in her own way.
Vera already knows her daddy!
awww- LOVE IT! :) USA!!!
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