With Call Day coming up, John has started to have interviews with prospective churches. The seminary gives each church a selection of candidates, and the churches hold interviews with those students or a selection of them. Then they rate their top candidates, and the seminary makes the final placement. Even if a church ranks you highest, you may not necessarily get placed there since the seminary needs to make sure every student receives an assignment upon graduation.
We were originally told we could expect 2-3 interviews. So far we have had requests for seven!!! Six of them have occured within a matter of two weeks - needless to say we are getting a little drained from so much interviewing! The churches are scattered among 5 states, mostly in the midwest, and the positions range between associate pastor, assistant pastor, head/sole pastor, and church planting.
Please keep us in your prayers as we look forward to finding out where our assignment will be! John is also in the middle of finals right now, which has made for a very busy week. We are getting excited about what God has in store for us, but we are also getting a bit anxious with so many different possibilities!
God has a great plan! I know Wendy already clued Him in on her request :-)
This is exciting!!
Praying for God to give you peace of heart & mind. We love the Hiles!
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