Saturday, December 18, 2010

Winter Break!

It's Saturday morning and Christmas break has just begun! That means that I get a two-week respite in the middle of the winter quarter and I am nearly halfway through my final year at Concordia Seminary. While graduation is 21 weeks away, most fourth-year students are counting down the days until Call Day on May 4, when we will receive our first assignments (137).

Kelly and I have met twice with representatives from the seminary who work with churches in order to place new pastors. I have sat through several meetings, filled out several extensive forms, and helped compile a profile for myself that potential churches will receive. Now, I am waiting to see if I will be asked to any interviews in January and February. Some churches hold interviews with students and some don't.

I have a busy winter quarter but I am enjoying it. I'm having a difficult time trying to keep up with all the reading, and it can get especially tough when Vera is in a playful mood and keeps looking up at me.

My classes are Pastoral Theology, The Synoptic Gospels, Augustine and his Times, Emerging Christianity, and a preaching elective. If you are really bored, you can try to match the books with the class!

1 comment:

t.leaf + k said...

Oh my gosh, what class has resurrected "What does this mean?"???